Are you Happy?

Are you happy? Do you ever find yourself asking this question or even feeling bad because in the moment, you don’t feel happy? According to Tal Ben-Shahar, the founder of the ‘Happiness Studies Academy’ and author of the book, “Happier,” asking yourself ‘am I happy’ is not the right question. The more important question to ask is “how can I become happier?” It’s not about arriving at being happy as if there is a magic line your cross from being un-happy to being happy. Instead, recognize that it’s a journey to becoming happier and it’s one that never ends-it’s a lifelong journey. So, I’m asking you: how can you be happier than you are today one year from now or one month from now? Ask those questions and get busy making some adjustments to you’re living. Might just change your life.

Jordan Maness